(Company name) Blue Imp
Nature Play for All
Calgary, Alberta
Renfrew Educational Services
Renfrew Educational Service is a leader programs for children with special needs. This special school was looking for a nature inspired inclusive playground. The school wanted sensory experiences, a quiet area and sport activities, all connected via accessible pathways. Opportunities for inclusive and parallel play were paramount as were a need for shade and shelter. Our design team responded with a captivating tree-house design where all abilities can play together. Wood-look slats create a woodsy, fort-like setting. Stunning pagoda roof panels provide aesthetic appeal as well as shade. Ramps connected to hex decks and ground level components supply a myriad of opportunities for accessible and inclusive play. Two large play structures help separate and spread out the play for easier supervision and added safety. Each structure was carefully designed to target a specific age group, providing varying levels of challenge. Freestanding realistic log features constructed of rugged GFRC provide clambering. These also enhance the natural look and feel. In addition, outdoor musical instruments offer sensory play for all abilities. A well-placed gazebo complete with seats and play panels offers a place for quiet time. Finally, pour-in-place surfacing and pathways connect the various elements for users with mobility challenges. All in all, this nature inspired inclusive playground really hit the mark for this school!